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LCD symbols


ABPM-04, ABPM-05, BlueBP-05
Normal status: time is displayed
Pulse rate value of just completed measurements (beats/minute)
Blood pressure measurement initiated (mmHg)
Event marker set during a button push
Pumping for measurement, current pressure is displayed (mmHg)
Error code display
Deflation during measurement, current pressure is displayed (mmHg)
The device is switched off.
Systolic value of just completed measurement (mmHg)
The blood pressure measurement is cancelled by pressing a button.
Diastolic value of just completed measurement (mmHg)


ABPM-05 only
Communication with a personal computer
Blood pressure measurement initiated (kPa)
Pumping for measurement, current pressure is displayed (kPa)
Deflation during measurement, current pressure displayed (kPa)
Systolic value of a just completed measurement (19,2 kPa)
Heart symbol blinking: measurement in progress (kPa)
Diastolic value of a just completed measurement (kPa)


ABPM-05 & BlueBP-05
Heart symbol blinking: measurement in progress (mmHg)
Battery voltage display (2,37V)
Night mode: time is displayed, moon sign is lit.
The crossed battery symbol warns of low battery
LCD check: all segments are displayed


BlueBP-05 only
The device is in Bluetooth discoverable mode


Normal status: time is displayed
Pulse rate value of just completed measurements (beats/minute)
Setting zero pressure level for blood pressure measurement (mmHg)
Pumping for measurement, current pressure is displayed (mmHg)
Systolic value of just completed measurement (mmHg)
The blood pressure measurement is cancelled by pressing a button.
Diastolic value of just completed measurement (mmHg)
LCD check: all segments are displayed
Communication with the PC
Battery voltage display (5.37V)
Low battery (3 dots at the bottom)
Monitoring plan does not work: plan not started or memory card missing/removed
Blinking display: monitoring plan activation in progress
Monitoring plan is completed
Lead off, electrode(s) disconnected, all channels (observed number and position of segments on the right)


Normal status: time is displayed
Pulse rate value of just completed measurements (beats/minute)
Blood pressure measurement is initiated (mmHg)
Event marker set during a button push.
Pumping for measurement, current pressure is displayed (mmHg)
Deflation during measurement, current pressure is displayed (mmHg)
Battery voltage display (5,13V).
Low battery voltage (three dots below)
Systolic value of just completed measurement (mmHg)
Diastolic value of just completed measurement (mmHg)
Communication with a personal computer
Blood pressure measurement is initiated (kPa)
Pumping for measurement, current pressure is displayed (kPa)
Deflation during measurement, current pressure displayed (kPa)
LCD check: all segments are displayed.
Rectangle blinking: measurement in progress synchronized with the pulse(kPa)
Systolic value of a just completed measurement (kPa)
Diastolic value of a just completed measurement (kPa)
Rectangle blinking: measurement in progress synchronized with the pulse(mmHg)
The blood pressure measurement is cancelled by pressing a button.
Error code display
SpO2 error code display