How to use the buttons
ABPM-05, ABPM-04, BlueBP-05
Start button
- to start extra blood pressure measurement
- to switch the device off (> 10 seconds)
- to switch the device on (> 3 seconds)
- to check the LCD
- to check the battery voltage (between 5 and 10 seconds)
ABPM-05 and BlueBP-05: the accumulators should be over 2,5V.
ABPM-04: the accumulators should be over 5,37V.
- to cancel any blood pressure measurement being in progress when the cuff is inflated
Event button
- to set an event marker
- to cancel any blood pressure measurement being in progress when the cuff is inflated
Day/night button (ABPM-05 and BlueBP-05 only)
- to switch on between active and passive periods
- to cancel any blood pressure measurement being in progress when the cuff is inflated
card(X)plore and apneABP
Start button
Event button
- to cancel a blood pressure measurement during the cuff inflation
- to set a patient event marker
- to switch between day and night periods (… >5 sec)
CardioMera and CardioBlue
Event button
- to start an ECG recording (CardioBlue)
- to set an event marker (CardioMera)